Restoring Our Rights Under the Constitution
04/16/2009 19:58
We will again be meeting at the Jade Garden in Terre Haute at 6pm, Tuesday April 25th.
If you need directions the map is located in the April 4th post.
03/31/2009 14:12
Voice of Indiana will be meeting at Jade Garden 3375 S 3rd Place (Behind Mall) at 3 pm
On Saturday April 4th ........ Everyone is welcome
View Larger Map
03/17/2009 16:25
Day by Day review of all of his Activities
03/17/2009 16:05
Gold & Silver Currency
03/12/2009 04:21
This bill is sitting in committee and I am not sure when it is going to hit the floor. One thing I do know is that very few of the Representatives have read it. As usual they will vote on this based on what someone else is saying. Urge your members to read the legislation and ask...
03/11/2009 15:07
Some in the following artical is theory; but if you take an honest look at the world today can you honestly say the possibility is not there?
You should watch with fully open eyes to the trends of the Government and see the urgency in how we need to group together and become a strong...
03/11/2009 00:46
According to recent research conducted by the Library of Congress and FBI (recovering text blacked out in first draft), Thomas Jefferson's reply to the Danbury Baptists (1801) was intended to explain why he (in a temporal political position) refused to proclaim national days of fasting and...
03/11/2009 00:04
Is He Naturally Born? Is he illegality holding office?
You Judge
By Lynn Stuter
March 10, 2009
The squall of the obamatoids is getting louder and louder as we learn more and more about Also Known As (AKA) Obama; as though they can, by sheer...
03/10/2009 23:00
Tools for Your Neighborhood
The following documents have been created to help you in your effort to bring Arm in Arm to your local community.
One of the most crucial...
03/10/2009 22:58
How We Can Weather the Economic Storms
Right now, the United States and entire world are facing an economic crisis of monumental proportions. The economy is like a rubber band. It works well in...