I am both overjoyed at the amount of support at the Tea Parties; those that flew their flags in patriotic spirit on April 15th and appalled at the feedback of some of the reporting and blog comments.
CNN reporter Susan Roesgen was in Chicago to cover the story and went with a chip the size of an ice berg on her shoulder. She shows her lacking skills as a professional reporter as she tries to debate with a few in the crowd. Whatever happened to just reporting the news?
Nancy Polise is clueless herself as she referred to it as Astroturf and not a real grassroots movement; she believes that American people cannot organize on their own, they have to be helped from somewhere; her delusional guess is the Rich.
I am appreciative of the support FOX news gave the Tea Parties; in truth they jumped on the bandwagon late in the game. They did not create the Tea Parties, the American people did. Those Americans who didn’t forget about Government after the election, those who paid attention and were outraged by the spending that was coming out of Washington. Those who watched as Congress submitted and passed laws and didn’t care if they violated our Constitutional rights or not. Those who were ignored when they wrote and called their representatives saying NO to the pork filled stimulus bill, a conservative measure of 2 to 1 against. A bill that is over 1600 pages they never even bothered to read before voting on. That alone should be a criminal offence with a demand for removal of any politician guilty of such.
The rhetoric of the current administration that tries to apply a fairy tale to the hoax of tax breaks. Who will be paying for those voted in pet projects in the long run? Will the Representatives that submitted the research for pig odor in Idaho, at the cost of 1.7 billion dollars, step up and have their wages garnished to pay for it?
Tax breaks? Maybe on income, but they will be showing up elsewhere, The Federal Government has the credit card and we are the piggy bank. We are wise to the double speak coming from the teleprompter and we aren’t buying it.
Was this a movement of party affliction? Hell no, we are discussed with both sides. They both have a hand in getting this in this mess. They believe they are wiser than us. Well, who passed the spending bills that caused the massive deficit? Who had to toss in 88% of pure pork in the stimulus, in an already stressed economy? You caused it, and you have no clue how to fix it.
Americans that believe in the essence of what American truly stands for are standing up and yelling loud and clear “We are fed up.” It might have taken us awhile, but now that we are up and angry we are not going to sit back down and let Government run amuck. One thing you will find out about Patriot Americans, we accept our own blame in this mess; we know we should have spoke up sooner and let our voices be heard. This is something that has been coming to a boiling point for decades, not one party, not one administration, but the whole of the accumulative rape of this Country.
By law of this Nation, dear Federal Government, you only have a tally of 18 powers to govern, Our States and “WE THE PEOPLE” has the rest; and we are taking America back.
Cindy S